วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554



                                  HOUSE REGISTRATION
                                HOUSE PARTICULARS                      Book No. 1
House Code No.8006 – 008556-8   Local Registration Office : CHA LERM  PHRA KIAT
Address : HOUSE NO. 84 Mooti 7 
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Type of House : HOUSE                            Description of house :
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                                                 Signature : ( Ms. Chadaporn Keawlaithong ) Registrar
                                                Date of printing the house registration : 27 May 2004

Book No. 1   List of persons of the house code no. 8006-008556-8      Serial No.4 
Name : MISS KHANITTHA  NATHOM        Nationality : THAI         Sex : FEMALE
ID No : 1-8006-00114-38-5          Status  : RESIDENT    Date of Birth : 16 September 1989 
Name of natural mother : WANNEE                                Nationality : THAI 
Name of natural mother : BUNCHUAY                           Nationality : THAI 
                                             Signature : ( Ms. Chadaporn Keawlaithong )  Registrar
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How to put on a successful English Camp

How to put on a successful English Camp

          The camp is activity for students to development skills and ability such as listening skill, writing skill, speaking skill and reading skill. Camp will be help to students get direct experience and funny.
          The camp to be successful must requires elements such as Ice breaker, songs, games, activities, times camp head, registration, station, chaperone etc. It is important for the camp.

Ice breaker
       Ice breaker who are the camp funny and prepared students prior to activities for give students have enjoy and stimulant to activity. Ice breaker should be having assertive such as signings, dancing and other activities. Ice breaker must introduce your camp to children, introduce your entire fellow teacher to the children and introduce themselves to everyone. Divide students into group which have 4 groups and bring a colored identifying colored ribbon on each student.
       Song will have students funny with activities and interesting to more so should have a variety of song. And select the appropriate with skill level of the students. Leaders should sing the child a preview and sing song loudly and have body language. Song must accord with objective of camp and must teach students to get knowledge.
       Activities are important for camp because will be fun those activities. If camp activities will be bad is not fun. If the camp is to enjoy is good camp. Activities must benefit and development of the students in various skills. Select activities suitable with objective camping and level of student. Activities must be more creative fantasy and have various and teach students to think, have fun and knowledgeable.
       Games will help students to enjoy, relax and help students interested and would like to participate. Games must appropriate to age the student and accord with objective of camp. Games should have various for students and give students participation in the game such as playing game should real play etc. and a game to help teach English language skills to students, such as teaching vocabulary, pronunciation, stress. Leader need to provide interesting games. Equipped to play the games enough.


         Times are controlled activities so times is important for camp. The camp must plan appropriate time. If used long times students is boring. Should divides times to station do activities each stations. The planed appropriate times content, age to students learning and planed break times for students relax.
8:00 am - 9:00 am
-Name tags on children
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Gather& Ice breaker Activity
-Introduce your camp to the children.
-Introduce all your fellow teacher to the children.
- Children to stand up & introduce themselves to everyone.
-Play Ice breaker activity or song.
-Divide children into their 4 groups.
-Put a colored identifying colored ribbon on each student.
10:00 am - 10:30 am
-Drink milk and eat snack.
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Station 1
Speaking English
-Children move to station 1.
-Theme leader Introduce his group.
- Theme leader Introduce his. Theme to the Children.
- Theme leader get children to Introduce themselves.
-Play game.
-Sing song.
-Do activities.
-Hand out prizes & gifts.
11:30 am - 11:30 am
Station 1
-Children move to station 2.
-Theme leader Introduce his group.
- Theme leader Introduce his. Theme to the Children.
- Theme leader get children to Introduce themselves.
-Play game.
-Sing song.
-Do activities.
-Hand out prizes & gifts.
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Eat Lunch
-Everyone enjoys lunch.
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Station 3
-Children move to station 3.
-Theme leader Introduce his group.
- Theme leader Introduce his. Theme to the Children.
- Theme leader get children to Introduce themselves.
-Play game.
-Sing song.
-Do activities.
-Hand out prizes & gifts.
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
-Children move to station 4.
-Theme leader Introduce his group.
- Theme leader Introduce his. Theme to the Children.
- Theme leader get children to Introduce themselves.
-Play game.
-Sing song.
-Do activities.
-Hand out prizes & gifts.
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Arrive back at Ice breaker Central
-Children all gather back at original central meeting point
- Children play games and songs
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
-Drink milk and eat snack.
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Award ceremony
-Give students back to parents
-Call students up, one at a time…take picture…give award..Smile.

วันอังคารที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Lesson plan
Title : How to tell time                    Level : 4
Time : 1 hours                                  Date : 21 January 2011

          1.The students are able to speaking and tell time.
          2. The students are able to write sentences about time.
          3. The students are able to bring knowledge about time to use in     future.

Warm up         

             The teacher greeting students and ask question about; who have whist-watch on your hand? And ask students about ‘How many tell times have read?’

          1.Teacher teaches about vocabulary such as the little hand, the big hand, dial, mid-point, quarter, past, to, and sentences such as
“What time is it” “It is ……...” And the students pronounce vocabulary after teacher focusing on stress.
          2. Teacher teaches type of reading have two ways.

Type I:  Read individually such as
04:00        read
          It’s four O’clock.
read          It’s three twenty-five.
read          It’s two thirty.
read          It’s six forth-five.
        read          It’s ten fifteen.
read          It’s nine fifty-seven. 

Type II     :  Read the past and to such as
Used past :  It’s + minutes + past + hours  
10:25        read           It’s twenty-five past ten.
04:05        read           It’s five past four.
11:19        read           It’s nineteen past eleven.
Quarter     = 15 minute  
02:15        read            It’s a quarter past two.
03:15        read            It’s quarter past three.
Half           =  30 minute
06:30        read            It’s half past six.
07:30        read           It’s half past seven.
05:30        read           It’s half past five.
Used to      It’s + minutes + to + Next hours  
2:50         read            It’s ten to three.
6:57         read            It’s three to five.
10:48       read            It’s twenty to eleven.
4:37         read            It’ twenty-three to five.
Quarter     = 15 minute 
9:45          read           It’s a quarter to ten.
7:35          read           It’s twenty-five to eight.
Practice 1. Teacher teaches sentences about time;
                    A: What time is it?
                    B: It’s ………     
                2. Teacher asks to students about time
.  By teacher show clock in front of classroom and give students answer question.
           The students do exercise in classroom.
Wrap up
           Teacher review the lesson again and summarize lesson together.
          1. Work sheet
          2. Clock

          1. Students can read the time correctly.
          2. Students have the confidence to spend more reading time.
Students can apply knowledge to use in everyday life.

Dear Abby

Teenage Outcast Can't Learn Social Skills All By Himself

DEAR ABBY: You assured "Overwhelmed in Ohio" (Dec. 18) that fellow student "Dan" will "move on and start building a life" after high school is over. On what base might he build? Because "Overwhelmed" says Dan is an "outcast" whom everyone treats as invisible, and he has attached himself to the one person who has befriended him, it appears he has completely missed the normal teen social-learning process. How, then, is he supposed to have acquired the social skills necessary for building connections later in life?
There's a difference between being unpopular and being ostracized. An unpopular kid can participate in social situations with similar kids. A kid who is shunned cannot. Unfortunately, Dan may be on a path toward lifelong social illiteracy and isolation.
What needs to happen before "Overwhelmed" pulls away is for the adults in charge of this school to figure out why Dan has been ostracized, and develop an effective remedy for the situation -- one that gets Dan into normal relationships with other people. And there should also be lessons about empathy provided to the students who are shunning him. -- KNOWS FROM EXPERIENCE
DEAR KNOWS: Thank you for your insight. You are by no means the only reader who felt compelled to chime in on this sad situation. Read on:
DEAR ABBY: High school can be a cruel time for many young people, especially those deemed "outcasts" by their peers. I had a friend in high school who truly suffered. I made it my mission to make sure he felt he had a friend and wasn't completely alone. I hung out with him at lunch, at the library on weekends, and tried to include him in activities I was involved in. I defended him to those who called him names, and although I was younger than he, I felt like his protector.
Now, eight years later and living in different states, we are still friends. He told me recently that I was the only reason he didn't attempt suicide in high school. He said I had saved his life by just taking a few moments out of my day to say hello or hang out with him. At the time I didn't realize the lifeline I was extending. -- LUCY IN OAKLAND, CALIF.
DEAR ABBY: My teenage son was similarly "invisible" to most of his classmates and it led to deep depression and anxiety. He is now at a school with other kids who have social learning disorders -- a broad class that includes Asperger's syndrome and a general failure to observe and respond to social cues.
If Dan falls into this category, he needs the help of both the adults and teens in his life. There is also effective therapy available for social learning disorders, and a decent school counselor should be able to help Dan and his parents find it. -- MOM OF A FORMERLY INVISIBLE TEEN
DEAR ABBY: Dan might be autistic, which could explain his behavior. I have an autistic son who is high functioning. His social skills seem immature and he appears "geeky." People have shunned and teased him because of it.
After managing to develop some friendships in band (which, by the way, has some of the best geeky kids who accept others) and a church high school group, his social skills improved. But he needs those kids who overlook his quirkiness and befriend him to help him build confidence. They do exist; you just have to sometimes search for them. If Dan starts feeling more accepted by others, it may lessen his dependence on "Overwhelmed." -- JANN IN TEXAS

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

For everything you need to know about wedding planning, order "How to Have a Lovely Wedding." Send a business-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $6 (U.S. funds only) to: Dear Abby -- Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included in the price.)
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I think that this article is good to learning because Personally, I think that teens can not live alone in this society because it is dangerous.  Sometimes, it is limited by his parents. He can not learn fully. Teen age is learning well. But if they lack social skills may make him a problem for in living with others in this society, it may result in the teenage to drug abuse, gambling and sex etc. Therefore, teacher should organize education cover the content and social skills for students to learn a wide range.
         The case: children of my uncle as a child with autism. She did not attend school because of mental ability and his body did not look like a normal person. Now she is 18 years. She was blocked cognitive, social, such as her home to stay home alone without friends to play and speak so alone.  And that she should learn like other people in any social and living happily. Because her parents did not allow him to learn social skills and she became afraid to society.